
The children we serve have experienced significant trauma.

The vast majority of children who are victims of maltreatment have suffered from neglect. Physical abuse accounted for 18 percent of child maltreatment victims in 2017. Some children are subjected to both physical abuse and neglect. This report presents national data about child abuse and neglect known to child protective services agencies in the United States during federal fiscal year 2017.

The impacts of this trauma can last a lifetime.

Physical abuse and neglect are two of a number of highly stressful, potentially traumatic experiences known as “adverse childhood experiences,” or ACEs.

Trauma can mark children’s health and ability to thrive immediately, and as they age, including negatively impacting:

  • brain development
  • physical health
  • mental health
  • educational
  • achievement
  • behavior
  • income

But there is hope. Some children are more resilient to the impacts of trauma. For others, it’s a relationship with a supportive adult—like a CASA Advocate—that makes the difference.